Experiential Consumerism II: The Benefits of Delayed Gratification

People hate waiting for things. We want to get rich quick, lose weight in weeks, and get our food prepared in minutes. Happiness is often viewed as the ultimate goal for human existence, and products & services associated with the above scenarios are marketed in a way that they promise the consumer happiness. Unfortunately, we…

Wandering Lust: Do We Really Need to Travel to Find Ourselves?

Tucked away deep within the Andes mountain range in Peru, fifty miles from the city of Cusco and almost 8,000 feet above sea level, lies the ancient Inca settlement of Machu Picchu. The site was well-known to historians and geographers, but was not heavily visited by Western tourists until the past decade, highlighted by a…

The Modern Tribe: Why Hunting has Declined and Why We Need it Back

Before you read, watch this: Growing up in the country, I was fortunate enough to have acres of cedar forest in my backyard to explore, a pond in my front yard, and numerous wild animals that frequented our property. This helped to foster not only an affection for nature, but also a great deal of respect for it….

The Naturalist Fallacy: Bad Science and our Quest for Authenticity

In 2002, Dr. Michael Atkins published a revised edition of his low-carb dietary vision: Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolution. The diet, which had been the thrust of much of Dr. Atkins’ research programme since he published his first paper on it in 1958, was nothing new. Low carb diets have come and gone as dietary…